Criminal Law

Criminal defense attorneys serving those charged in Dupage County.

Criminal Defense Attorneys Representing Those Charged in Dupage County

When you have been charged with a crime and need an attorney, there is no substitute for experience. The lawyer you choose for your case must know the law and be comfortable in heated negotiation situations or the courtroom. In addition, your attorney should also be familiar with the tactics and techniques that prosecutors employ when seeking a conviction. You must also be confident that your lawyer understands your needs and will communicate clearly with you throughout the process. At McMahon Law Offices, we are proud to offer these characteristics to each one of our clients, no matter what type of charges are presented.

Skilled DUI Defense Council in  Illinois

The repercussions of a DUI charge often commence long before a verdict is rendered. For instance, if you fail or refuse a blood alcohol content (BAC) test, your driving privileges will be immediately suspended. Even if the DUI charges are ultimately dropped, a driver's license suspension could still be enforced. At McMahon Law Offices, our seasoned attorneys understand the life-altering impact a DUI arrest can have, and we are committed to safeguarding your future. Whether you are confronting a first-offense or felony DUI charge, we will stand beside you every step of the way.

Dedicated Illinois Drug Crimes Attorneys

While efforts to reduce the penalties for non-violent drug charges are being made nationwide, Illinois maintains strict consequences for drug-related offenses. For over two decades, our criminal defense team has been providing legal assistance to clients throughout Illinois facing both misdemeanor and felony drug charges.

The severity of the charges hinges on the type and quantity of the substance involved. Our attorneys are well-equipped to handle cases relating to the possession, manufacturing, and distribution of substances such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, opiates, and illicit prescription drugs.

Prostitution Defense Attorneys

Each year, law enforcement agencies in Illinois arrest numerous individuals on charges related to soliciting and patronizing prostitution. At our law firm, we are committed to offering responsible and assertive representation to anyone facing such charges. We also understand that individuals who do not speak English as their first language, especially those arrested in Chicago's Chinatown neighborhood, face particular challenges when dealing with criminal charges. This is why our firm proudly collaborates with a fully qualified translator who can assist our Chinese, Mandarin, and Korean-speaking clients.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

At McMahon Law Offices, our legal expertise extends to a wide range of criminal charges, including DUI, drug crimes, sex crimes, property crimes, violent crimes, and weapons violations. If you have been arrested and charged, do not hesitate to contact our office. Call 630-953-4400 today to schedule your free consultation. Our attorneys are dedicated to serving individuals and families in Chicago, Oakbrook, Hinsdale, Oak Park, Elmhurst, Westmont, Lombard, DuPage County, Cook County, Kane County, Will County, and throughout the surrounding area.

Getting Back On Track Is Simple.

Follow the listed steps, and get an experienced attorney by your side in no time.

Give us a call

Call us at 630-953-4400 for a free consultation.

Put a plan in place

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Defend your future

Access the best defense services in Dupage County.

Put Your Legal Troubles Behind You.

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